50th Anniversary
The weekend of May 15th to 17th, Redeemer celebrated out 50th anniversary. We were thrilled to have all of our surviving former pastors present, as well as former members and friends from far and wide. The weekend started with a Friday evening meet and greet at the church. The committee had worked very hard assembling photo albums and displays, and there were constant crowds reminiscing over these photos. This was also the first chance that many of our visitors had had to see the building for years and to see the changes that have been made.
On Saturday we held a banquet at Brandon University with about 150 people present. The evening was filled with food, fellowship, music, laughter, and tears. All of our pastors spoke about their time in Brandon with a sense of joy – we gained an understanding that their time at Redeemer shaped them, just as their time here shaped us.
Sunday worship was the highlight of the weekend for many. Our current pianist Heather Ewasiuk and former organist Dave Schmidt accompanied the choir and congregational singing, and we were thrilled to have Karin Andreason, violinist with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra (and daughter of former pastor John Andreason) provide special music.
During worship, we also brought in two new pieces to our building.
First was the blessing of our new baptismal font. The font was an anniversary project designed to look to the future while incorporating the past. The new design is an open look, putting the focus on the water while incorporating the cross from the lid of the original font. The cross is inlaid in the new font, giving a sense of the new growth from the old.
The second feature is a granite plaque that pays tribute to our founding members. It will be installed on the outside of the building as a clear and constant reminder of this celebration and of the members who have worked so hard to keep this community vibrant during the last fifty years.
Thank you to all who attended this gathering, especially our Pastors
John Andreason 1972-1979
Don Engel 1979-1986
Ted Jannuska 1986-2010
Jason Zinko 2010-2014
Laurel Seyfert 2014-2023
Thank you also to the tireless work of the 50th-anniversary committee
Rick, Jean, Renate, Pat, Colleen, Marg, Evelyn, Brian, Elaine, and Wally
See you all again in 2040